Emergency Medical Assistance Fund in Estancia, El Salvador – José Ismael

José Ismael Needs Our Help

Dear DGH Friends,

José Ismael needs your help. And he needs it right now.

José is 10 years old and has leukemia. It’s treatable and potentially curable. But, the chemotherapy he needs is in San Salvador, four hours from his home in Estancia, El Salvador. 

José lives with his mother, María Vicenta, and 3 siblings, including his 6-month-old brother, Brayan. Their home is a structure built from small bamboo sticks and a laminated tin roof. They live without access to drinking water, a toilet, or trash service.

María Vicenta no longer has the funds to continue traveling for José’s chemotherapy. She is also struggling to afford Brayan’s formula, resulting in malnutrition.

Here’s how you can help:

Doctors for Global Health is creating an Emergency Medical Assistance Fund for the care of high-risk patients in need of urgent treatment in Estancia. We share José’s and María Vicenta’s story here, but there are many more like them. As part of our long-standing commitment to community accompaniment, it is critical that we act now.

The fund will pay for the care of those with critical needs and Promotores de Salud (Health Promoters). These will be community members we’ll train to find families like María Vicenta’s and accompany them on their journey to better health. 

Please help now. Your contribution in – any amount – will help save José Ismael’s life, and others like him. With your donation, you can help save lives and restore smiles.

You can also send checks to:
Doctors for Global Health
P. O. Box 1761
Decatur, GA 30031 U.S.A.

Our non-profit, tax-exempt ID number is EIN: 58-2194069

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